Time to grow? A guide to attracting investors

Time to grow? A guide to attracting investors

If you don’t have the working capital to invest in significant expansion, it might be time to consider bringing investors
on board. Pitching to raise funding can be a nerve-racking experience, so here are some tips to impress:

  1. Investors need to see evidence of an opportunity before they’ll part with their time and money. One
    of the clinchers is market validation. If people are already handing over money for your product or service, or if you have highly reputable companies trialling it, this is something potential investors
    need to see.
  2. It’s not just about your business. Investors are putting their trust in you. What is your experience or competitive advantage over others? Showcase
    what you have to offer.

Even if you’re an expert in your field, investors want to see that a founder is coachable. These investors are willing to share their expertise and contacts, but they don’t want their advice to fall on deaf ears. Give examples of how you’ve adapted your idea in response to feedback and show you’re willing to respond openly to any questions they may have.


  1. Don’t be afraid to show the passion you have for your business. It takes tenacity as well as talent to get off the ground, so you’ll want to tell investors the story of your journey in such a compelling way they’ll want to join the ride.